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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

20 Facts About Me

1. I love cold and cloudy weather! Strange, since I live in a place where it's sunny 90% of the time.
2. When I come across an inspirational quote that I love, I copy it into a page in Notes on my iPhone. "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'" - Audrey Hepburn
3. One time, I ate an entire watermelon in two sittings.
4. I love watermelon. 
5. I am currently a first-year in college studying business economics.
6. I've been a vegetarian for 3 years.
7. Taking off is still the scariest part of being on an airplane for me, even though I've been on numerous airplanes since I was 3-months-old. 
8. When eating, I always make sure the first and last bites are the best.
9. My first ever cheek kiss was from Harry Styles. ;)
10. On the wall next to my bed, I have post-it notes of all of my short-term and long-term goals.

11. My fantasy dream job is to have my own vegetarian cooking show on Food Network.
12. Sunscreen is my best friend.
13. I can appear shy when I first meet people, but I warm up afterwards and show my true self. 
14. The best thing I ever ate was the spaghetti at Scarpetta in LA. That was over 3 years ago and I've been craving it everyday since.

15. I love taking on leadership positions because it highlights the person who I really am on the inside. I absolutely recommend everyone to take on leadership roles.
16. When I go home during breaks, I spend hours watching the Turner Classic Movies channel.
17. I take very colorful notes. 

18. Popcorn is my kryptonite. 
19. The best thing I've experienced was helping low-income children and families in my community by creating a Christmas party and organizing an event called the "Bookshelves in Every Home Project". 
20. I'm a naturally optimistic person.

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